Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

The following are the terms and conditions of the agreement between the guest/s and The Misty Grove Resort (here in after called “management”) under which rooms are allowed to be used by the guest/s and are binding on guest/s.

1. Tariff: The tariff is for the room including complimentary Breakfast. Taxes extra as applicable.

2. Identity Proof: Guest/s are requested to produce their identity proof at the time of check-in.

3. Advance: has to be paid by guest/s while check-in

4. Departure: Check out time is 12 noon / The guest shall vacate the Room at the above check out time or he/she should take advance permission from the management for the extended stay. Failure to vacate the room on expiry of the period the Management has the right to remove the guest/s and his/her belonging from the room occupied by the guest.

5. Bill settlement: Must be settled on presentation as per the policy of the Management. Cheques are not accepted. In case of default in payment of dues the Management has a lien on the luggage and belongings of the guest and entitled to detain the same, and to sell or auction those belongings at any time without informing the guest and appropriate the net sale proceeds towards the amount due by the guest.

6. Guest belongings/valuables: Guest/s are requested to use the Safe lockers in the Room to keep the valuable. Advised to lock the room from inside when guest/s are going to sleep or lock the door when going out without keeping it open or keeping the key on the keyhole. The Management will not in any way be responsible for any loss or damage to the guest/s belongings or any other articles either from the Resort Room or lockers any other part of the resort for any cause whatsoever including theft or pilferage.

7. Luggage storage: Subject to availability of space to a limited period of days.

8. Use of Resort Properties and Facilities: Guest/s shall see all the services and facilities with utmost care and at their own risk, and are advised to follow all the instructions at various places in the premises. Otherwise, the Management shall not be responsible for any damages or injury.

9. Hazardous goods: Guest/s are prohibited from bringing and storing in the Resort any combustible or hazardous nature of goods. Guest/s will be liable totally for loss or damage caused by the violation of this rule to the Management, their invites, and or workers.

10. Damage to Resort property: Guest/s are directly held responsibility for any damage to the Resort property caused by themselves, by his/her friends or any other person/s entertained by the guest/s

11. Management Rights: The management Reserves to itself the right of admission to any person in the Resort Premises and has the right to request any guest to vacate his/her room or other areas of the Resort immediately without prior notice for any reason. And the guest should be bound to vacate the Resort. If not, the management shall have the right to evacuate the guest and his, her belongings from the room occupied by him/her. The Management has the right to change/shift the room of the guest at any time without prior notice or reason or shall have the right to shift and arrange any suitable accommodation for him/her.

12. Ownership/Any other claim (Relationship between guest/s and management): Nothing shall constitute or create on any other right of interest in the Resort property or any portion or part in favor of any guests or resident or visitor. The Management shall always be deemed to be in full and absolute possession and control of the whole Resort Premises.

13. Government Rules and regulations and laws: guest/s are requested to abide by the acts and laws the Government Rules and Regulations in force from the time to time.

14. Pets: Guest/s are not permitted to bring inside the Resort premises Dogs, Cats, Birds or any pet animals.

15. Avoid bringing plastic materials and all plastic wastes should be disposed in the respective dust bins in the resort premises.

The Management Reserves the right to add or amend any of the terms and conditions and Rules at any time.